Policy review Elementary School Journal PGSD FIP UNIMED
- Each submitted article will be received and examined by the Editor in Chief. Articles that are not in accordance with the scope and template of ESJ will be rejected without further entry into the management review process.
- Articles that meet the journal criteria will be forwarded to the Section Editor for further processing.
- The Section Editor will assign a minimum of two reviewers for each article, with the possibility of being immediately accepted/accepted with few revisions/accepted with many revisions/rejected. A third reviewer will be assigned when there is a possibility that the two reviewers will have a different decision.
- The review process uses Double Blind Peer Review, meaning that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author also does not know the identity of the reviewer.
- In the review process, the reviewer conducts studies and gives considerations related to the suitability between the title, abstract, method, discussion (findings) and conclusions. In addition, the reviewer also gives considerations related to novelty, scientific impact, current reference theory, and findings.
- The review results from the two reviewers are received by the Section Editor to be reviewed and submitted to the authors, as consideration and input for improvement.
- The author revises the article according to the input and suggestions from the two reviewers. When finished, the author returns the results of the revised article to the Section Editor.
- Section Editor accepts revised articles to check for similarity or elements of plagiarism using Turnitin.
- If the results of similarity are still large enough, the article is returned to the author to be revised again. When finished, the author returns the results of the revised article to the Section Editor.
- Editor Section checks whether the revisions made by the author are correct or not. If it is correct, the Section Editor will make a final decision whether the article is accepted or rejected, based on the improvement of the substance and management of the article in accordance with the Elementary School Journal article criteria.
- The Editor in Chief together with the Section Editor processes the articles received to proceed to the editing and publishing process stages.
- Elementary School Journal will not guarantee or promise the acceptance of an article or a very short review process to anyone. Every article that is entered, must follow the article publishing management process, starting from submitting the article until the article is published.
- The entire management process for publishing articles is fully implemented based on OJS.